
Seamer Rentals

Dear Robertson Builders,

In the process of providing our valued customers with better solutions and streamlining services, we have looked at many areas, such as Seamers. With new technology and customer service, Developmental Industries (DI) can provide better efficiency for our customers. DI Seamers has been doing this for decades and perfected the efficient ways of providing this service to customers all around the world.  

Developmental Industries (DI) has been in the business for over 30 years and is the largest dedicated roof seamer manufacturers in the world. They not only manufacture seamers for many different profiles but sell, rent, test, conduct R & D and maintain their products.

They have two locations; Corinth, MS and Mesa, AZ.

They offer efficient seamer ordering via their website with easy online order forms.

The order forms are straightforward with graphical assistance and once an order is completed a confirmation email is sent confirming your order.

The most beneficial feature is that they now have a mobile app that allows seamer rental, support, live chat, troubleshooting, videos, and seamer shipment tracking. All at your fingertips whether in the office, on the road or on the job site.

We feel with the benefits available, and the advantages of directly interfacing with DI for your seamer needs now is the time for Robertson to step away from seamer rental processing.

As of January 1st, 2021, Robertson Building Systems will no longer be processing seamer rentals.

We encourage you to please visit their website and become familiar with their product offerings, services and resources.

Below is the link to their website and attached is a PowerPoint presentation to help you navigate the website.

Any questions please feel free to ask, as we are available to help with this transition.

View Powerpoint Presentation >

D.I Roof Seamers


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